Monday, 6 December 2010

Chapter 4

Nick and Gatsby have become close; Nick must feel that he's knows hardly anything about him as he is still a mystery.
He opens up to Nick, however, a little bit in this chapter. Gatsby wants a favour from Nick bu won't tell him what it is and this annoys Nick-mainly because he doesn;t understand Gatsby's logic or why he needs to hear this favour from Miss Baker. we find out here Nick dislikes things he doesn't understand. Meyer Wolfshiem- we don't like him. Name, horrible. any importance in the novel? We gain more information about Gatsby in this chapter from Jordan's story too- discovering that Daisy and Gatsby once loved one another. And, he still loves her. A strange chapter, strange jordan is the narrator as she's supposed to be realy dishonest and stuff. Massive revelations here, very very important./ Party scene beautiful  but signifficance??

1 comment:

  1. Yes, an importnat chapter. Why have Jordan narrate this bit and then Gatsby is voiced through Nick later?
